Round Table about the Real-life Game Industry on Friday, 15 June 2018

You are kindly invited to: A Press Conference + Round Table about the Real-life Game Industry on Friday, 15 June 2018 from 9:30–12.00 at“Prodajalna”, Ajdovščina Podhod  in the city centre of Ljubljana Programme 9:30 Press Conference Slovenian and global trends in the real-life game industry + the Summer Festival of Games and Urban Adventures (Association of Escape Room [...]

Round Table about the Real-life Game Industry on Friday, 15 June 20182018-06-18T12:26:07+00:00

REGIONAL CONFERENCE on Gamification and Storytelling in Ljubljana

Dear Escape room Enthusiasts, Creators, owners from Alpe Adria region (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Hungary, italy, Austria)! The Association of Escape Room Activities of Slovenia GIZ ER.SI is co-organising the Regional "Gamification & Storytelling" conference in Ljubljana on 27th of September 2018.  If you want to know, how to most effective engage your audience - welcome to [...]

REGIONAL CONFERENCE on Gamification and Storytelling in Ljubljana2018-09-10T16:00:51+00:00

Number od Escape rooms in Slovenia 2018

We encourage creators, owners, and managers of escape games to join the Association to work together  to ensure the best gaming experience for everybody. Below you can see a list of all providers of escape room activities in Slovenia.   City Provider Number of games Recommended by Association of the ecape room activities LJUBLJANA Enigmarium [...]

Number od Escape rooms in Slovenia 20182020-02-06T11:04:58+00:00

Escape Room Day

1. oktober - prvi mednarodni dan sob pobega tudi v Sloveniji Sodelovanje in povezanost sta močna dejavnika uspeha in preživetja posameznika. Igra, doživetje, skrivnosti, uganke, zanke, povezanost, sodelovanje, iskanje rešitev, vse to in še več vključuje igra “soba pobega” (Escape Room), ki je obnorela igralce po vsem svetu in postala najhitreje rastoč segment turizma. Na [...]

Escape Room Day2017-05-26T08:49:18+00:00
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